The 21st century is the time of ecologically-conscious people. We try to share information about ecology and attempt to live on a clean planet. What kinds of actions do the officials, inhabitants and students take to make their closest environment clean in this situation?

Is our school environmentally friendly? * Czy nasza szkoła jest przyjazna środowisku?
W lutym 2019 roku uczniowie klasy 2F i 2B pod kierunkiem pani Beaty Rajnisz sporządzili analizę SWOT, której celem było odpowiedzenie sobie na pytanie czy nasza szkoła jest przyjazna środowisku.
How we share our knowledge
The participants of the second international meeting of partner schools in the project „Good school for the 21st century” carried out workshops for the pupils of our school. The meeting took place on 19th March, 2019. 21 students from different classes got involved in these activities. Our workshops consisted of two parts. During the first…
Europe for Culture in Silesia
Year 2018, announced by the European Union as the European Year of Cultural Heritage, is an occasion for many cultural art and museum institutions to foreground its importance in the Polish and European history. One of the institutions in Silesia engaged in the initiatives of the year is the Coal Mining Museum in Zabrze. Since…
Hi Saturday full of ideas
„Hi Saturday full of ideas” is another topic worked on within the frames of project „Good school for the 21st century”. On 17th January, 2019 the students of our school prepared the Bazaar of Saturday activities, which aimed at promotion of interesting, active ways of spending free time without the use of computers and telecommunications…
The second partnership meeting – Istanbul , Turkey
“Hi! Saturday full o f ideas” – was the objective of the second partnership meeting, which took place from 5th to 9th March, 2019. The receiving organisation was the secondary school in Istanbul (Turkey). The participants of the meeting were students and teachers from 6 partner schools (The Chech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Turkey and…