Have a short look at what it was like to participate in the first international meeting held online.

GOS21 and “The Nobel Parcel”
On 21st November the beneficiaries of the project „Good school for the 21st century” arranged a meeting for the students of our school, during which they talked about their experiences acquired in Levice. As the subject matter of the meeting was volunteering, the girls invited to our school the leader of the project “The Nobel Parcel”…

I am a volunteer. And you?
Volunteering was the topic of the next meeting of the partners working on the project “Good school for the 21st century” worked on in the frames of Erasmus + Programme. This time the host of the meeting was Stredná Odborná Škola Techniky a Služieb from Levice in Slovakia and it took place from 22nd to 26yh October…

ECO workshops in ZSP 2
At the beginning of May the students of our school took part in a trip in the frame of the project “Good School for the 21st century”. After coming back home they organised the same workshops they participated in while staying in Hungary.

Meeting in Hungary
Another meeting of partner schools working together on the project “Good School for the 21st Century” in the Erasmus + Programme took place at the beginning of May. This time the representatives of the schools met in Eger, Hungary, where they discussed among others the topics connected with environmental protection.

Ruda Śląska – an „eco-town”
The 21st century is the time of ecologically-conscious people. We try to share information about ecology and attempt to live on a clean planet. What kinds of actions do the officials, inhabitants and students take to make their closest environment clean in this situation?
How we share our knowledge
The participants of the second international meeting of partner schools in the project „Good school for the 21st century” carried out workshops for the pupils of our school. The meeting took place on 19th March, 2019. 21 students from different classes got involved in these activities. Our workshops consisted of two parts. During the first…